Action denotes going and using the skills that you have learned over the years and the Research that you have scrubbed through. You are prepared now how are you going to get there? The resources on this site simply involve going or participating in Tentmaking Missions from were you are. Whether it is giving, praying, or going, the resources on this page are geared on some form of participation.
Short-term Missions are defined by us as any opportunity that has a definite beginning and ending date to them. Most of these opportunities will have a term of a year or less. A Short-term Mission opportunity is great for any individual that wishes to survey and serve in a country that they believe the Lord is leading them to. Or, Short-term opportunities are terrific for people that are experiencing a transition period in their life, both young or old, and simply want to experience missions first-hand for a temporary period. Or, maybe you are an individual with some extra resources that desires to simply serve even though you do not feel the Lord is calling you into a foreign field long-term. Regardless, short-term mission trips are a great opportunity to simply serve and to do it with out the commitment of a long-term missions endeavor. These can be teaching assignments, contract work, construction jobs, or simply consulting work. Regardless they involve a specific task for a specific period.
Missionary Needs can be anything from prayer requests to requests for donations. These needs are coming to us directly from the mission field, and involve traditional donor supported missionaries to Business as Mission opportunities. Furthermore, not all of these needs will come from fields that Worldwide Tentmakers has a work.
International Jobs Database will include our Jobs Database from overseas employers. There are over 6000 potential job opportunities included in our Jobs Database and it is still growing.
Present Opportunities are opportunities that are not regularly available. For instance, the Jobs Database will have an opportunity from Michelin for engineers, which is a consistent need for them, and a Present Opportunity will be a listing for History Professor at a university, which is a specific opportunity. Also, Present Opportunities can be contract position or will be positions that do not have a stated end.