Biblical Tentmaking: Motion
Modern day missions were undoubtedly derived from our study of Acts. While the biblical Acts describes the formation of the early church from Pentecost to the end of Paul’s public ministry, the author, Luke, also portrays constant action—motion. Whether it was a natural zeal of new converts or the force of persecution, the early church expanded at a rapid rate. The early believers were aggressive in pushing the Gospel out into their communities and unreached areas. There is no doubt that God has put us on this earth to expand His kingdom. And as we follow Luke’s narrative in Acts, we think of many symbols—the fish, cross, maybe a man kneeling, or even sandals; however, should there be at least one more? Acts is a book of motion, change, and even adventure. The tent represents all of these ideas, but it also represents the conduit to which Paul was able to travel, meet people, pay for his needs, and stay in cities. This is what the tent has come to symbolize in my mind—the constant natural, Holy Spirit-inspired desire to advance God’s kingdom. The tent provided a trade to Paul, which he used to carry him into far-off lands. Paul was a tentmaker by trade and a missionary through passion.