Commission for Missions
We would like to introduce everyone to an ingenious business idea that is meant to assist in raising funds for world missions and the business owners.
The website is http://commissionsformissions.com/
and it is a website that takes advantage of the affiliate relationships that are used by Amazon, Ebay and others to drive traffic to their websites. The way it works is that each retail site (Amazon, Ebay, Sears, etc.) pay a commission of around 7% which is split between Commission for Missions and whatever Mission Organization you wish to support. The 7% commission paid by the retailer does not impact the pricing of the merchandise and it is not added to the final total paid by the purchaser. The commission is simply a finders fee paid to the website that brought the purchaser to the retailer. Commissions for Missions is run by a missionary in Canada, and the purchaser has the opportunity to choose a mission organization to support by the drop down menu on the left. Worldwide Tentmakers is one of the options but so are numerous good and trusted mission organizations. Once you have chosen a ministry and click “Go”, you will be directed to a page that includes all of the retail stores available through the site. Some of the sites available through Commissions for Missions, are Amazon, Ebay, Proflowers, Sears, Zazzle and others.
Please take a look at the website. It is a great way to support Worldwide Tentmakersand other Mission Organizations. Furthermore, it is a great idea! Again, the website is http://commissionsformissions.com/